You must enter a task number for a destination type of inventory or shop floor if the project control level is set to task in the organization parameters window and if you have entered a project number.
Shop floor destination type.
This question is answered.
The shop floor is used to refer to all the ordinary workers in a factory or the area.
When the destination type shows expense shop floor or inventory the transaction being entered will be the final transaction or the deliver transaction needed to complete the receiving process.
Po line destination type.
Po interface generation of variance account failed destination type is shop floor doc id 1918829 1 last updated on may 08 2020.
Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
Hi all this is the situation.
For a destination type of expense you can always optionally enter a project number.
Oracle purchasing version 12 1 3 to 12 2 release 12 1 to 12 2 information in this document applies to any platform.
The part of a factory housing the machines and men directly involved in production 2.
Fusion applications mosc supply chain management procurement scm prc mosc 1 replies.
Last updated on december 02 2015.
If you entered a project number select a task number.