You have to touch your chest to the floor for that push up to count well i am here today to tell you that very rarely should a person go that low in a push up.
Should you touch the floor doing a push up.
If you re somehow able to get a larger stretch and produce significantly greater range of motion when using push up handles you ll want to examine your form.
Of course you should only go for the full range of motion if you have the mobility and strength to do it properly.
I am sure you have heard it before.
If you use push up handles in order to use a neutral grip they should produce nearly the same exact range of motion and push up mechanics as you d get when performing them on the floor.
If you push yourself too far before your body can really get into position safely.
I mean a push up should have your chest touching the floor or arms at a 90 degree angle.
Test how many push ups you can do on rings and compare it to normal push ups.
Your ring push ups should match at least 80 of what you get with standard push ups.
By doing this you place excess strain on your shoulder joints and you do not want any threat dealt out to your connective tissue.
Once your chin touches the floor push yourself back up in a fluid motion and stop when your arms are fully locked out.
Did a push up to test and as a grower not a shower definitely nothing special having your dick touch the floor.
When i do push ups i keep my head looking straight forward or to the side and go down until my chest and upper abs slighty touch the floor and then get up.
You don t actually have to lift your hands up but if doing so at the bottom of your push up would require some wingardium levi oh sa action i e.
If you re having difficulty doing pushups without tummy tapping the floor try doing incline pushups on a horizontal bar which should rest at just below chest height.
In fact trying to touch your chest to the floor will put your shoulder joint in a bad position.
On the downward phase the tip of your chin or your chest specifically your sternum should touch the ground or hopefully your exercise mat.
You are not all the way to the ground then you can stand to go lower.