Link able is one of the highest paying sites for freelance writers who like to guest blog and you can earn well over 300 an article.
Sites to sell articles.
You ll need to have your article approved but as long.
This site is simple to use.
Selling articles online can be the most profitable business.
5miles uses your phone s gps location to reach multiple buyers and sellers in your area.
Marketplace is a great place to sell your articles.
One of the biggest advantages is that you get to set your own price for each article.
If you want to sell you content online here are a some 10 awesome places to start with.
They focus on the subject of selling the written word and seek articles that show people how to do just this.
Today you can sell your tangible or digital goods practically anywhere around the world.
However you will need exceptional writing skills and the ability to craft authentic insightful and quality articles in order to get accepted.
Simply join here and upload your first article.
Like ghostbloggers you have to permanently sell exclusive rights to the piece.
5miles is a fun and easy way to buy and sell items and services from your phone.
You can open your own ecommerce website but for ease and affordability you can use a service.
It s a large and quite established marketplace for content which means there is more competition but also more clients purchasing articles.
If you want to sell stuff online quickly try larger marketplaces like amazon.
Snap a photo enter a short description and begin selling to thousands of potential buyers within seconds.
If you can write articles focused on getting paid to write or articles about how to make money writing in any way then this publication is for.
While the site doesn t provide any details about what writers can charge current articles are selling in the 2 to 5 range.
While there are lots of websites that would let you learn how to sell online for free and start your journey as an e commerce entrepreneur without requiring having your own e commerce store ebay remains as a popular go to option for people looking to sell.
And making an offer is as quick and easy as sending a text message.