Then spend half an hour peaking up.
Sky tv satellite dish alignment.
Azimuth relates to the left to right positioning of your dish.
Because of the distance away from the earth the focused satellite beams as is the case for astra 2 at 28 2e and the very high frequencies that satellite tv broadcasts use you must be very accurate with the dish alignment which is why it is so much easier with a good satellite alignment tool.
Standard 65cm satellite dish installation 175 inc vat.
Should i buy a satfinder meter to align the dish.
The sky minidish alignment video on youtube provides useful tips and guidance on correctly aligning a dish on the astra 28 2e satellite.
For the azimuth angle sideways use a magnetic compass and swing the dish boldly sideways to find the satellite on the first swing.
Find a suitable place for your dish to sit.
You have already found the satellite and you already have the best meter available the sky digibox signal quality display in the onscreen menu.
A short tutorial to show you how o align your satellite dish for the astra 2 eurobird group of satellites.
Satellite dish installation quotes estimate installations in east sussex.
Apart from offering our dishpointer service on this website and our award winning apps for ios apple devices and android smartphones and tablets to align your satellite dish we are providing business solutions to satellite professionals all around the world for over a decade now.
I can get most channels from sky digital astra 2 at 28 2 e but the signal quality is low.
To aim your dish you ll need to know your azimuth and elevation coordinates.
A properly aligned sky tv satellite dish is essential for high quality television reception.
Elevation concerns the up and down positioning of your dish.
Ensure that your freeview sky decoder tv is switched on and the volume will be loud enough to hear.
A dish mis alignment of just 0 5 degree can result in a 40 loss of signal and reduced weather margin.
Standard 70cm 80cm satellite dish installation 185 inc vat.
For astra sky satellite add 7 deg for eutelsat hotbird satellite add 3 5 deg polarisation angle.
Determining azimuth and elevation.
Satellite dish installation on chimney on cradle lashing bracket 195 inc vat.
The dish needs to point towards your landmark that you have already picked out in step 2 so make sure there are no tall trees close by or vehicles in.
Incorrect dish alignment can result in weak television signals and missing tv and radio channels.